Monday, August 15, 2005

Geras nightlife

Last time I was here in Geras, in January, the fields were turning green and it was warm and springlike; it felt like March. Thus it is now November in August - cool (ok, probably the same temperature as in January, but it's all relative), grey, wet. Slug weather - they're all over the place. Slugs are called "naked snails" in German; there are plenty of large clothed snails too.

The little hut I live in here has a couple shingles missing and so there's a hole in the roof where the rain comes in and keeps my mind from wandering where it will go. It also soaked my shoes last night. Haven't fixed it yet, since it's still raining - it's just dripping down steadily onto the concrete floor. There's not much damage it can do in this shack though, and after Finlandia this is making me feel just at home. Pictures will come as soon as I figure out how to charge my camera. I like this little hut, it fits into the idyllic cuteness here. It used to be a storage shed until I cleaned it up two years ago, took all the crap out (including decades old marmelade and catechism cards), redid the windows and painted the inside. So it's livable, kinda, in the summer...

eeeeee ew ew ew ew I really wish my camera worked right now... there's a small ledge about halfway up the wall where a small train of ants usually marches by. They don't bother me, I don't bother them. Then I put my computer adapter box up there yesterday... I just moved it now by accident and there's a HUGE pile of ants and ant eggs underneath, I'd guess about 1/2 cup of ant eggs. The ants are going crazy now that they've been disturbed. They're the tiny ones, but there are SO many of them, it's creeping me out. I wonder how long it'll take them to carry everything away - I considered scooping them out but then they started crawling over my hands and it was nasty and so I gave that up. One small lost ant is crawling around the screen now.

Slugs and ants... idyllic countryside indeed.


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