Tuesday, September 27, 2005


Last night, edemame appeared in my dreams. Now I must find them and boil them. But, alas, they are no where to be found. Hopefully one of the Korean or Japanese stalls at the Naschmarkt has then - if they don't, I'm sure they're nowhere to be found in this city.
On the other hand, I ought to be delighting in all the local foods, instead of trying to recreate the same global gastronomic gulasch everywhere I go. Like a Pferdeleberkaessemmel mit Gurkl, for instance. But really, no thanks.

(Trival posts about food remind me of this eggstraordinary quest.)

Update: The Korean store on the corner of the Naschmarkt did in fact have edemame. Hurrah! So now I have a big bag of frozen soybeans and a small plastic bag of tofu. The tofu here tastes better, probably because it comes out of a big communal and unsanitary vat instead of small lonely plastic pots.

Thursday, September 22, 2005


Suddenly suddenly suddenly (why is it I can only quote things that I'm sure no one else will get? It's not even cool obscure, just obscure obscure) I like Vienna.
I've been here/Europe in general for over a month, most of which was at best 'eh'. Travelling with Astrid was fun (I may still write something about that, though doubtful) and Geras is pretty and all, but... I've felt as if I were in a bubble, in front of a screen with the world going by in pretty pictures. No imersion, no strong sense of locality, of being here. Frustrating and seemingly leading to a devil's cicle (is that a germanism?) where I felt isolated and frustrated and retreated even further into my head, out of the world.

And now, suddenly, today, sitting at home far too late into the night, listening to fm4, I feel here and, even better, happy to be here. Not here in my head but here in Vienna. I'm not quite sure why, how, this happened - the possible explanations are too trivial and embarassing to be true, right? But I'm glad.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Late (from Sunday)

22 Pistepirkko played tonight at B72, one of the bars underneath the U6/ Guertelline (the Underground/Untergrund U-Bahn is quite aboveground there, and there are bars in the arches below the tracks). It was my first time at B72, and it was pretty nice, good crowd, though the Guertel can be a sketchy neighborhood. 22 Pistepirkko were so so Finnish; older than I thought, but I obviously wasn't thinking - they've been playing since the eighties. They play a kind of rock/blues which is made interesting by X's great crazy voice and synth effects - I think they've been going more electronic with their latest albums though I haven't listened to the newest one in full yet so I can't really say. They did their older songs too - Onion Soup, Coffee Girl, and others not about foodstuffs. They sing in English, the best kind - articulate, mired in a thick Finnish accent and with a wit so dry you just wonder what's being lost in translation. And their hair! so bad, so cool. In general they were like six year old boys stuck in six century old gnome bodies... ok, that doesn't explain anything, just believe me. And check out their music.

The whole show made me want to go back to Finland. Finland is a strange mixture of strangeness and familiarity - not in the sense of separate things being either strange or familiar, every country and culture is a mixture of the strange and the familiar, nothing human is entirely alien (or I haven't seen it yet, anyway. O the naivete of the young and their absolutes). Rather, when I was in Finland the things that make Finland unique, the things new and exotic and weird to me, also seemed familiar and comfortable and natural on a different level, a deeper level. Somehow, despite not learning the language, not spending much time there when I was small (a couple trips, not many), not having contact with Finns aside from my mother, who herself hasn't lived in Finland for thirty-five years, despite not generally thinking of myself as Finnish, aside from a token patriotism (matriotism?) for a country that I think is just plain cool, despite all this, Finland does resonate with me. It's on a level that's beyond (below? metaphor of vertical stratification of cognition, deep=murky, instinctual, from the gut, I guess) easy explanation and rationalization and understanding, and because of that, it annoys me, no, it baffles me, but it's also rich and comforting. When I travel with a Suomi passport I feel like an impostor - what right do I have? I can't even speak the language, though goodness knows I tried... - but yet then, like tonight, I realize that there is something deeper, perhaps more powerful, that does legitimize my being Finnish.
Come to think about it - my relationship with Austria is the exact opposite. I understand Austria on an intellectual level, I know the history, I've read the books, I've talked to the people. I can function, I get the jokes. But it's not mine, it's not my country, and it won't ever really be I don't think.
I wonder about other people's experiences with countries that they're related to, but not really 'of'. Not so much the experience of emigration and dual culturality, but the experience of "home"coming, the various kinds of connection and identification to be found with one's ... well, what is it? ancestral home? un/native country? Language is at an end and pomo punctuation takes over.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Tetine @ Flex

Went to Flex last night - my favorite club in Vienna, maybe my favorite club anywhere (not counting the ones where I get punched in the face). Subotron promised a "night of intensive twisted ghetto electro – funk carioca meets punk rock, miami bass & grime sung in loud and clear Portuguese. Dirty electro/disco-punk/booty bass for the masses!" brought to you by Tetine.

I got there late because the U-bahn in this lovely city stops at 12:30pm. My whole life these days seems to be running about 2 hours behind schedule at least, but I thought I could make the last one, with bit of running... nay, t'was not to be. But the night was nice enough, and after about half an hour's walk through the city, now replete with loud drunken fourteen year olds, I made it to Flex in time to catch at least the last half of Tetine's set (they were supposed to come on at 11pm). What can I say? A dirty sexy loud Brazilian duo with crazy energy - the girl longlegged, loud mouthed, sexy sexy sexy, the guy grimy and jumpy. Baile funk, yes, I wouldn't call it grime - less angry, less dark, wilder, oh and yes, sexier than UK grime - more along the lines of MIA and Cobra Killer. But music genres are silly anyhow. They were awesome, and that is all that matters.

How I got home? The first U-bahn, of course. And it wasn't even light out yet - autumn is here.

Thursday, September 15, 2005


This blog shall not die!

So, what to resurrect it with. Hrm. I just got a haircut. I don't think I like it but I never do until the next day. I really liked the one I had before but bangs were running amok and such and besides getting one's hair washed is divine. I completely understand that stoned drooling look dogs get when you scratch them behind the ears.
After that though there's only the fun of seeing yourself look like a wet poodle for an hour. I'm wearing my glasses these days (one contact broke) and thus I was spared that, but having the not-unattractive smudge in the mirror turn into me-with-glasses-and-strange-hair wasn't really the better option. Blech.

Next time, really, I'm going to a barbershop and shaving it all off. Or when the Republicans win in 2008. Homemade maki sushi will comfort me for now.

[Weird: Blogger's spellcheck doesn't recognize 'blog']

Thursday, September 01, 2005


Bad bad blogger - home two days and still no trip summary. Sorry, I'm feeling overwhelmed or just tired or something and so it won't get done tonight either. But it was fun, of course, and it rained a lot, but not too much, and we still got to go swimming. No pictures because my camera still isn't charged. But I did update my Flickr account (see sidebar link) with a lot of photos from this summer - if you're reading this because you know me, you might find a picture of yourself or at least someone you know in there. If you're reading this and you don't know me, I'm surprised.