Saturday, October 01, 2005

Plag Dich Nicht

First Gluehwein (mulled wine) of the season at the Plag-Dich-Nicht label party last night. The setting was fallishly beautiful: Das Kornhaeusl-villa, the oldest (1802) "Landvilla", country villa, in Ottakring, Vienna. (Ottakring used to be a small wine-producing village on the outskirts of Vienna. These days it's better known for the Ottakringer brewery, but still has vineyards.) These days it's in ruins and in the process of being torn down/renovated into senior citizen apartments and whatnot, but the house itself is a historical landmark.
So... at sunset take the J Tram all the way from the Oper out to the last stop, listen for the eerie electronica coming from somewhere, sneak past the fences and the bulldozers, and you find a beautiful wild garden, with tall old chestnut trees throwing down leaves and prickly fruit. The music comes from a mess of electronics and wires and a couple biologicals under a roof with saplings growing on it, all bathed in red light, nearly the only lightsource there, apart from a small light by the Gluehweinstand.
The whole thing reminded me of 39Troy, where not much seems to be happening these days. The audience was considerably older though, and brought along strange flocks of precocious waist-high blond girls. At least there's still hope for coolness after thirty. Or twentyfive, anyway.
The music was pretty various - I came late and saw a disappointingly short and unexciting set by Das Erste Wiener Heimorgelorchester, if it was even them. Also a lovely set by Dorit Chrysler who played a strange instrument I'd never seen before that is apparently called a Theremin - basically, she waves her hands and it makes noise. Crazy. She sings, too, while wearing a gold skirt and being pretty. It rocked - softly, con sentimento.


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